Axe Stand

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We all like to look tough on stage, what with our shred-faces and power-stances and cool bandanas. But at Portastand, we know that behind closed doors, it’s a different story. Your instrument is basically your firstborn: You cradle it. You sing to it when no one’s around. Only two things are allowed to touch it: your own bare hands

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We all like to look tough on stage, what with our shred-faces and power-stances and cool bandanas. But at Portastand, we know that behind closed doors, it’s a different story. Your instrument is basically your firstborn: You cradle it. You sing to it when no one’s around. Only two things are allowed to touch it: your own bare hands

We all like to look tough on stage, what with our shred-faces and power-stances and cool bandanas. But at Portastand, we know that behind closed doors, it’s a different story. Your instrument is basically your firstborn: You cradle it. You sing to it when no one’s around. Only two things are allowed to touch it: your own bare hands